


Accommodation and Holiday

We offer patients who come from abroad for a surgical procedure the opportunity to optimally stay in Antalya. We pay attention to the hygienic, reliable and Manavgat Şelalesihumane accommodation of our patients who apply to hospitals or clinics in Antalya during the treatment period. Our patients who prefer the capital of tourism in Antalya, where they live in their own facilities, book hotels for treatment and they can find accommodation in hotels that range from our contracted services to the hospitals or clinics where they are received within walking distance.

Antalya Mosques

  • Suleymaniye Mosque
  • Antalya Murat Pasha Mosque
  • Gemili Masjid
  • Yivli Minaret Mosque

Antalya Castle

  • Ehmedek Castle
  • Red Tower
  • Kaleici

Antalya Museums

  • Antalya Museum
  • Suna Inan Kıraç Kaleici Museum
  • Museum of Lycian Civilizations

Ancient Cities of Antalya

  • Aspendos Theatre
  • Ancient Perge
  • Termessos
  • The Ancient City of Arykanda
  • The Ancient City of Antiphellos
  • Ancient City of Soura
  • The Ancient City of Lyrboton
  • The Ancient City of Phellos
  • Ancient City of Letoon
  • Olympos Ancient City
  • The Ancient City of Phaselis
  • Ancient City of Xanthos (Xanthos)
  • The Ancient City of Myra
  • The Ancient City of Rhodiapolis
  • The Ancient City of Aperlai
  • The Temple of Apollo
  • The Ancient City
  • The Ancient City of Selinus
  • Ancient City of Laerters
  • Ancient City of Lyrbe (Seleukeia)
  • Ancient City of Simena
  • Selge Ancient City
  • Syedra Ancient City
  • The Ancient City of Lmiyra
  • Korydalla Ancient City

Antalya Churches

  • Hıdrellez Church
  • Church of Santa Claus

Other Historical Places

  • Alara Khan
  • Antalya Lighthouse
  • Evdirhan
  • Clock ower
  • Karain Cave
  • From Hadrian's Gate
  • Kırkgöz Han
  • Kargihan